As the Sierra Vista residential leasing and property management specialist, I take the work out of owning single-family homes, townhouse or a condo. I can manage every aspect of your rental property from leasing to rent collection to repairs. I invite you to explore my site and learn more about our full range of property management services and our positive approach.
Call Brad.... (520) 227-6694 or e-Mail Brad:
If you are not currently under contract with another property management or real estate company we can begin right away. If you are currently under contract you will need to terminate their services according to your agreement with them. We are happy to pick up keys, security deposits and necessary documents from the discontinued company. At your request we will email or mail you a complete start up package. Once you have completed all necessary forms and returned those to us we will get started.
“Saturation Marketing” is our goal for your vacant property in all potential appropriate tenant markets. Each tenant has their own way of locating a home to rent rather by driving around, using a real estate agent, or surfing the web, we find the largest majority of our rental calls are from signs and website traffic. With our interactive website that profiles virtual tours and photographs of our available rentals, rental signs, and the multiple listing service reaches licensed real estate agents. We also use Fort Huachuca advertising through Sierra Vista Realty has memberships to Southern Arizona Association of Realtors, National Association of Realtors, and the Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce to assist us in filling vacancies also.
The majority of families and singles have pets. We prefer to advertise pets are negotiable, so that they will tell us about the pets when they apply instead of trying to sneak them in later. If pets are approved we will require an additional $250 refundable pet deposit in addition the regular security deposit. If damage exceeding the pet deposit occurs, we will hold funds from security deposit. You are in no way required to accept pets, this is completely your decision and we will do our best to meet your requests.
We want good tenants as much as you do, it make our job that much more pleasant. It is our goal to obtain the highest qualified tenants. We have defined a preferred tenant profile based on credit, criminal, employment and rental or ownership history. A conscientious review of applicant’s current credit report will help assure owner of timely rental payments. Sierra Vista Realty is directly linked to Experian’s credit bureau’s database; we can access credit within one minute, twenty-four hours a day. We make copies of all identification at time of application. Sierra Vista Realty is a fair housing advocate and does not discriminate against any applicant or tenant based on race, creed, color, religion, national origin, handicap or family status. Tenants that do not meet the standards of our company can still be considered by the owner with extra precautions such as larger deposits taken and a waiver from the owner signed.
Sierra Vista Realty uses the Arizona Department standard lease with additional clauses for the protection of the owner. This lease is continually updated and revised as laws and additional precautionary measures are established. As most owners will agree we prefer securing a one-year lease. To begin the lease tenants are invited to our office for a complete explanation of the lease and to sign. The extra time we spend with the tenants explaining the terms of the lease has great pay offs. It substantially reduces misunderstandings during the term of the contract. It also gives us a chance to answer questions and concerns and to begin the landlord tenant relationship. Starting off on the right foot is very important to us. First month’s rent and all deposits must be paid in full before a tenant takes occupancy. We don allow tenants to make payments on the security deposit.
As additional protection for you we require the security deposits before a property can be taken off the market. Security deposits are based on the monthly rent with pet deposits as an additional deposit. We offer all deposits as refundable, encouraging tenants to leave the property in good condition rather taking additional time making repairs and cleaning preparing the property to re-rent. Complete instructions to the tenant are included in the lease and mailed again after proper notice to terminate the lease have been received. This will instruct them on proper procedure for receiving full security deposit refund, within fourteen business days after move out as per Arizona law. Proper notice and completion of lease term is a must to receiving security deposit refund. Cleaning, including appliances, floors, walls, yard and carpets professionally cleaned are required minimum to prevent deductions from deposits. Sierra Vista Realty will compare condition at move out to move in inspection sheet to determine all costs necessary to rectify any damages to property. A complete security deposit disposition report will be completed and forwarded to tenant within fourteen days of move out as required by Arizona law.
Rents are due on the 1st day of each and every month and considered late after 5pm on the 3rd day if the month. Eviction proceedings begin on the 4th of each month.
Our most challenging job as a manager is not managing the property but managing the residents. Good tenants are the key element to any successful rental property investment. Keeping tenants happy to insure the longevity of the tenant’s occupancy is critical. Friendly staff, availability and quick response to questions and maintenance request will satisfy a resident more than anything else we can do for them. We ask our owners cooperation regarding tenant services whenever possible.
We understand your need as a landlord to be kept abreast of property condition both physically and financially. On emergency maintenance (after hours) will use our best judgment on making repairs over two hundred fifty dollars. Emergency maintenance includes but is not limited to loss of air or heat, water damage, main drain stoppage or electrical problems. Many owners have a home warranty and request that we use that in order to make repairs and we are always our most diligent in doing this. Most emergency repairs can be fixed at the time of the service call; some require later bids and replacements such as heating and cooling systems. Over the years we have assembled an excellent array of reasonably priced honest technicians for every area of repair your property may need. Prompt attention to maintenance items keeps tenants smiling and prevents minor problems from turning into high dollar repairs later. Our management fee includes overseeing cleaning, carpet cleaning, painting, garage door repair or installation, monthly landscaping, minor plumbing, minor electrical, monthly pool service and minor parts replacement, locksmith.
Any large remodeling jobs, insurance claims, jobs requiring bids, supervision and additional license and reference checking will require owner involvement. Per the lease agreement the tenant is responsible for any maintenance that is caused by them or their guests. Tenants are responsible for example glass breakage or repairs they have caused and owners are responsible for the operating systems and normal wear and tear of the home.
At the time of move in and move out there is a complete written inspection of the property. Inspections may also be done on request.
Our desire is to create a clear audit trail of all funds pertaining to each property. All funds are held in a Arizona Trust account per Arizona Law, security deposits are held in a separate trust account. These accounts are monitored by the Arizona Department of Real Estate. An operating statement will be sent to you as soon as possible each and every month depending on the date the tenant pays the rent. Our statements are easy to read and understand this really simplifies tax reporting at the end of the year. Our service includes paying expenses you have on the property such as maintenance and repairs bills when applicable. Copies of all repair invoices paid will be attached to the monthly statement in the order they appear on the report. At the end of the year, you will receive you final statement with yearend totals along with a 1099.
Set-Up Fee: owner pays Agent a one-time non-refundable set-up fee in the amount of $250.00.
Management Fee: 10% of gross collections.
Late Fees: Broker retains 50% of collected late fees.
Statement Fee: $25.00 annual fee for all invoices and accounting for property including monthly and year end statements.
Administrative Fees: If Broker collects administrative charges from tenants or prospective tenants, including but not limited to, application fees, returned check fees, or late charges, Agent will retain such fees as compensation under this agreement. The administrative fees under this Paragraph are earned and payable at the time Broker collects such fees.
Thanks for looking at Sierra Vista Realty.
Brad Snyder
Property Manager
Imagine owning Sierra Vista rental property and not having to do a single thing. You wouldn’t have to advertise or screen tenants every time you had a vacancy. You wouldn’t have to deal with repairs or worry about collecting rent. All you would have to do is sit back on the couch and wait for your statement and check to arrive every month.
Is there risk in owning using a home as a rental?
The short answer is just like any investment, there is risk. Being a real estate investor can also be very rewarding. If you follow the recommendations we give you while we manage your property we can help reduce the risk.... we can not eliminate it. The good news is that the problems that can come up are usually pretty predictable and easy to plan for. The key is to have the experience of a professional property management company behind you so you can get back on track quickly with minimal legal issues, loss of rent, and damage to the home.
What type of properties do you manage?
We specialize in residential properties. We also manage and lease some small commercial properties. The majority of property that we manage is single family homes, duplexes and condos.
What do you do to get a property leased?
FOR RENT SIGNS - Posted at the property and separate signs leading to the property.
INTERNET - We post our listings on our websites, the MLS,, (Military Housing website), and dozens of other housing websites as well a social media marketing.
What, specifically, do you do to qualify a tenant after they have applied to rent?
CREDIT and CRIMINAL REPORTS - We run a credit and criminal reports which tells us about the applicant’s attitude toward meeting their financial obligations and their criminal background if any. It also tells us their monthly debt load and shows their previous addresses.
RENTAL REFERENCES - We also run and evictions check on tenants to verify that they have no past eviction.
EMPLOYMENT/INCOME - We require a minimum income of at least two times the rent.
How do you make sure the tenant is taking good care of my property?
We unfortunately cannot be in the house with the tenants 24 hours a day to see what tenants are doing. During the tenancy, we may have occasion to enter the property for repair or maintenance reasons and will use that opportunity to have a look. If we are fortunate enough not to have any repairs or maintenance at your property over an extended period of time, we will schedule a walk-through with the tenant. All properties receive frequent drive-by inspections. If the outside is not being tended to as it should, we will schedule an inside inspection and have a look as well.
What if the tenant does damage to my property?
The resident will be responsible for all damages beyond normal wear and tear. If the tenant does damage to your property, money will be held from their security deposit. If the cost of repairing the damage exceeds the amount of the security deposit, you can sue the tenant for the additional amount owed.
What happens if the tenant doesn’t pay their rent?
If rent is not paid by the 4th of each month, we will issue a "Five Day Notice" of non-payment and the clock starts on the eviction process. Whether or not we eventually have to proceed with a formal eviction depends on the specific circumstances.
How informed will I be about what happens with my property?
We will notify of any changes with your property primarily by e-mail, phone call or a letter. Non-emergency items will be communicated along with your monthly statements and, of course, we encourage you to call, e-mail, or fax anytime you have a question or wish to discuss something.
How do you handle maintenance requests?
Tenants may call their requests in by e-mail, telephone, or placed online with our tenant portal. When we receive a written request, we contact the tenant and ask them questions which will help us determine the exact nature of the problem.
How do I know you won’t spend money on large repairs without my approval?
All large dollar amounts (over $400.00), non-emergency repairs need the OK from owner.
When do you mail the Owner's checks?
We pay Owner's by ACH direct deposit into your checking or savings account on or about the 10th of each month and we e-mail a detailed monthly statement.
Do you pay the bills for me?
We will pay as many bills as you want us to handle but we do not make monthly mortgage, HOA, tax or insurance payments.
How much do you charge?
In most cases per account, we charge you 10% of gross monthly income. (Each monthly fee is based on gross rental income.)
How long is your management agreement?
Our management agreements we have with owners are usually five years in length and may be cancelled with a 30 day notice.
Do you work with Section 8 Tenants?
Not usually. Only if you would like us to.
Can I rent my home with a no pet policy?
By establishing a "no pet" policy, you will be eliminating a large percentage of the market. Generally, if a pet is over a year old, well-trained and a part of the family, expected damage is minimal to nonexistent. Damages are the tenants’ responsibility to remedy. Additional pet deposits are recommended. Assistive animals cannot be denied and we can not charge a deposit for Assistive Animals.
Do you comply with Federal Housing Laws?
We comply with Federal Housing Laws which prohibit discrimination against race, creed, religion, sex, handicap, assistive animals, familial status or national origin. Please do not ask us violate these laws. Violations carry fines up to $100,000.
Are There Risks Involved With Owning Rental Property?
No matter how careful we are, there is a certain risk that landlords take to be in the rental business. Sierra Vista Realty cannot guarantee tenancies. We have an excellent track record in choosing tenants. This is not to say that we do not have tenants who break leases or cause problems. One thing certain in life is change. People buy homes, get transferred, lose their jobs, divorce, get sick and even die. Most tenants who break their leases honor their lease payments until the house is re-rented.
Do I have to Sign the Lease with the Tenants?
Our management agreement empowers is to sign and terminate leases on your behalf. Your signature is not required on the rental agreement.
What do You Charge the Tenants for a Security Deposit?
Currently, our security deposits are set at a rate that equals one month's rent. This may change due to market conditions and special circumstances. The security deposit may not be used as last month’s rent. Arizona residential landlord/tenant laws limit the amount that a landlord can charge as any combination of deposits to 1 ½ times the rent amount. Ours are slightly less than legal rates to be competitive in the marketplace.
What is normal wear and tear?
Even the most conscientious tenant will cause minor damage over the course of a rental agreement. This is typically referred to as "normal wear and tear." It might include small scratches on the walls or paint, worn or slightly stained carpeting, broken hinges, or other insignificant damage. Having to repaint the property, clean the carpet and repair a few scuffs or nail holes on the walls after each tenant moves out are to be expected due to normal wear and tear, and not something a landlord can charge tenants for.
Damage. Actual damage to a property goes beyond normal wear and tear. For example, instead of small scuffs or nail holes on the wall, large holes in the wall would definitely be considered damage. A carpet that's ripped, permanently stained or otherwise ruined is also considered damage. Excessive garbage, furniture, or personal items left behind may be considered damage. Landlords can use the security deposit to cover the costs of repairing damages.
What Happens if You Have to Evict a Tenant?
Evictions can be accomplished generally within 30 days of non-payment. A lawyer is required to appear in court on your behalf. They will charge $600-900 for the appearance. Other expenses will be the process server, usually about $100.
Where Can I Learn More About Landlord/Tenant Laws?
For reference, these may be accessed on the internet at
LEGAL ADVICE: You may also want to consult with an attorney on any legal or tax implications of being a landlord.
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